Home / Student and Parent Handbook



Bethel Elementary School 2024-2025



We provide a positive, nurturing, student centered environment where all students can achieve their fullest potential to be productive citizens of the 21st century. 


Building Empowered

 Students to Transform Tomorrow


As we head into the 2024-2025 school year, we are very excited to start another excellent year here at #bethelthebest with our awesome staff, students, families, and community. One of our main goals is to help shape healthy, responsible students in conjunction with you…their parents. The most well rounded students are those who have a strong support system including school folks and parents who work together to help them be their very best.

The pages in this handbook have been published to provide an overview of our school’s opportunities and expectations. There is no way for us to put everything in this agenda book; these are highlights.  The assignment pages are designed to help students keep up with the ever-increasing demands of learning.  Parents are encouraged to look at this agenda book daily and utilize it as a communication tool between home and school.  One of the most crucial ways parents can assist in providing their children with a foundation for learning is to read with them daily.  Research consistently shows a strong correlation between reading and academic success at all ages.  In the upcoming 2024-2025 school year, let’s work collectively to provide your child with the very best conditions for learning.  

Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your child’s life!


Bethel Elementary School

4700 Old River Road

Canton, NC  28716


Bethel Elementary School…………………..828-646-3448

After School Program………………………..828-400-7668


School Website………………………………..https://bes.haywood.k12.nc.us/


Bethel Elementary believes that students should progress to the next level of study only after they are proficient in their knowledge and application of the current curriculum level. To the extent reasonably possible, students should be given as much time or as little time as they need to be proficient at a particular level of study. Students will be promoted to the next level of study as described in this policy.

The superintendent shall develop (1) proposed promotion standards and (2) a process to be used in determining a student’s readiness to progress to the next level of study and shall submit the standards and process to the board for approval. The standards will be based, in part, upon proficiency in reading. The standards and process must provide multiple criteria for assessing a student’s readiness to progress to the next level of study, such as standardized test scores, formative and diagnostic assessments, grades, a portfolio or anthology of the student’s work, and, when appropriate, accepted standards for assessing developmental growth. The standards and process will incorporate all state law and State Board of Education policy requirements, including those for the assessment and promotion of third grade students as described in G.S. 115C-83.6 et seq. and State Board of Education Policies KNEC-002 and -003. 

Principals have the authority to promote or retain students based upon the standards approved by the board and any applicable standards set by the State Board of Education.


Bethel Elementary will conduct grade level activities for family involvement throughout the year.  Student accountability information and curriculum highlights will be presented through these activities and families should make every effort to attend.




Parents/guardians gain better insight into the child’s strengths, needs, and learning progress through regular communication with the classroom teacher. The faculty/administration is available by appointment for conferences any time throughout the year. 


ATTENDANCE (Board Policy 4400)


Attendance in school and participation in class are integral parts of academic achievement and the teaching-learning process. Through regular attendance, students develop patterns of behavior essential to professional and personal success in life. Regular attendance by every student is mandatory. The State of North Carolina requires that every child in the State between the ages of 7 (or younger if enrolled) and 16 attend school. Parents and legal guardians are responsible for ensuring that students attend and remain at school daily. A student must be present for at least one-half of the school day or class period in order to be recorded as present for that day or class. Students are expected to be at school on time and to remain at school until dismissed.  During the school day, students are expected to be present at the scheduled starting time for each class and to remain until the class ends.


When a student must miss school, a written excuse signed by a parent or guardian must be presented to the student’s teacher on the day the student returns after an absence. Absences due to extended illnesses may also require a statement from a physician. An absence may be excused for any of the following reasons:

  1. personal illness or injury that makes the student physically unable to attend school;
  2. isolation ordered by the State Board of Health; 
  3. death in the immediate family; 
  4. medical or dental appointment; 
  5. participation under subpoena as a witness in a court proceeding; 
  6. a minimum of two days each academic year for observance of an event required or suggested by the 

    religion of the student or the student’s parent(s);

  1. participation in a valid educational opportunity, such as travel or service as a legislative or

    Governor’s page, with prior approval from the principal; (if you are truthful, family vacations are typically NOT valid educational opportunities);

  1. pregnancy and related conditions or parenting, when medically necessary; or
  2. visitation with the student’s parent or legal guardian, at the discretion of the superintendent or  

    designee, if the parent or legal guardian (a) is an active duty member of the uniformed services as 

    defined by policy 4050, Children of Military Families, and (b) has been called to duty for, is on leave 

    from, or has immediately returned from deployment to a combat zone or combat support posting. 


In the case of excused absences and short-term out-of-school suspensions, the student will be permitted to make up his or her work. (See also policy 4351, Short-Term Suspension.) The teacher will determine when work is to be made up. The student is responsible for finding out what assignments are due and completing them within the specified time period.


EXCESSIVE ABSENCES GRADE K- 8  (Board Policy 4400)


Class attendance and participation are critical elements of the educational process and may be taken into account in assessing academic achievement.  Students are expected to be at school on time and to be present at the scheduled starting time. Students who are excessively tardy to school or class may be suspended for up to two days for such offenses. 

If a student is absent from school for five or more days in a semester (that equals 10 per school year for elementary students), the principal or a committee established by the principal shall consider whether the student’s grades should be reduced because of the absences.  The principal or committee shall review other measures of academic achievement, the circumstances of the absences, the number of absences, and the extent to which the student completed missed work.  A committee may recommend to the principal and the principal may make any of the following determinations:

  1. the student will not be promoted to the next level of study and/or will not receive credit for the semester;
  2. the student will not receive a passing grade for the semester;
  3. the student’s grade will be reduced;
  4. the student will receive the grade otherwise earned; or
  5. the student will be given additional time to complete the missed work before a determination of the appropriate grade is made.




In the case of excused absences and short-term out-of-school suspensions the student will be permitted to make up his or her missed work. The teacher shall determine when work is to be made up.  The student is responsible for finding out what assignments are due and completing them within the specified time period.



  1. School begins at 7:50 a.m. and students must arrive on time.  The doors will open each morning at 7:15 a.m. Students should not be dropped off at school prior to 7:15 a.m.  Students who are left unsupervised before 7:15 a.m. constitute a safety issue and proper authorities may be notified.  

  2. Students arriving after 8:00 a.m. are tardy.   Students who are tardy miss directions that set the tone for the day and instruction that is critical for grade level proficiency and success in school.  Tardies are disruptive to student learning.  Excessive tardiness due to living outside the Bethel school district may result in pupil reassignment to the home school.  


  1. Students must be signed in and out through the office if they are tardy or are being checked out early. 


  1. Students must have written permission from the legal parent or guardian to leave the school with others and/or change transportation.  Phone calls regarding emergency transportation changes should take place prior to 2:30 p.m. when at all possible to allow ample time for effective communication of the change.  


  1. Check-outs are disruptive to the instructional day and are discouraged unless an emergency exists.  Please refrain from checking your child out unless it truly is an emergency.  We greatly appreciate you planning appointments after the school day whenever possible. 


  1. Car riders will be dismissed at 2:50 p.m.  Yellow cards completed with student names should be displayed and visible throughout the entire car line  to expedite proper and efficient loading of cars.  Bus riders will be dismissed at 3:00 p.m.  Blue cards will be given to Bethel Bypass recipients that will be picking up their students on the bus lot side.  



All visitors must sign-in through the office and wear a nametag while on campus.  This is part of our safety plan and is for our students’ protection.  Visitors shall not disrupt classrooms during instructional time (8:00 a.m. – 2:55 p.m.). Conference appointments can be scheduled with teachers and administration throughout the year.  Visitors should stay in the lobby area at the fireplace after Lunch and Learns and while waiting for student(s) to check out. This is for the safety of all students and to also make sure learning is not disrupted throughout the building.


North Carolina law requires that kindergarten students be five years of age on or before August 31st. North Carolina General Statute G.S. 115C-364 requires the parent or guardian of any child presented for admission for the first time to a school to furnish (i) a certified copy of the child’s birth certificate, which shall be furnished by the register of deeds of the county having on file the record of the birth of the child, or other satisfactory evidence of date of birth, as provided in Article 4 of Chapter 130A of the General Statutes and (ii) a certificate of immunization as required by G.S. 130A-152. 


Please make sure your child’s teacher and our office is aware of custody issues.  In addition, please ensure that our office has a copy of your child’s current custody papers.  The office should also be updated concerning changes in custody and legal documentation should be provided.  The office will follow court orders.




A safe and orderly environment is critical whenever transporting students. The Code of Student Conduct and board policies on student behavior apply as provided in policy 4300, Student Behavior Policies. All students will receive training on school bus safety as required by law regardless of whether they regularly ride a school bus to and from school. Violation of any board policy, the Code of Student Conduct, or other school rule governing student behavior on school and activity buses may result in a student’s suspension from the bus or other appropriate disciplinary action. Students will only be allowed to drop off at stops where the guardian or parent are present.  Businesses and extracurricular activities at other locations, will not be permissible stops. 




Afternoon childcare services are available until 6:00 p.m. on regular school days.  This program requires weekly payment and is a state regulated and inspected childcare program. An application must be completed before a child stays in the after school program. For more information about our After School Program, please call the program director at 828-400-7668.




The reasons for managing student behavior are to (1) create an orderly environment in which students can learn; (2) teach expected standards of behavior; (3) help students learn to accept the consequences of their behavior; and (4) provide students with the opportunity to develop self-control. 


Students must comply with the Code of Student Conduct in the following circumstances: 


  1. while in any school building or on any school premises before, during, or after school hours; 
  2. while on any bus or other vehicle as part of any school activity; 
  3. while waiting at any school bus stop; 
  4. during any school-sponsored activity or extracurricular activity;
  5. when subject to the authority of school employees; and 
  6. at any place or time when the student’s behavior has or is reasonably expected to have a 

    direct and immediate impact on the orderly and efficient operation of the schools or the safety 

    of individuals in the school environment


Classroom rules and expectations will be developed by individual teachers.   





Our staff takes all complaints of unlawful discrimination, harassment, and bullying very seriously. The process provided in this board policy is designed for those individuals who believe that they may have been discriminated against, bullied, or harassed in violation of board policy.  Individuals who have witnessed, or have reliable information that another person has been subject to unlawful discrimination, harassment, or bullying, should report such violations to school personnel. 




Students should notify any staff member of any acts of violence, harassment, or bullying or any other unusual or suspicious behavior that may endanger safety. Ongoing student education efforts will aim at minimizing any fear, peer pressure, embarrassment, or other impediments to students reporting potential problems. 


Maintaining a safe school environment that is conducive to learning requires staff to be proactive in dealing with violence, harassment, and bullying. Staff members must report immediately to the principal any information regarding unusual or suspicious behavior or acts of violence, harassment, or bullying. 


Every principal is required to investigate and act upon any report of such behavior, including, when appropriate, reporting criminal activities to law enforcement, the State Board, and the superintendent or designee (see policies 1710/4021/7230, Prohibition Against Discrimination, Harassment, and Bullying, 1720/4015/7225, Discrimination, Harassment, and Bullying Complaint Procedure, and 4335, Criminal Behavior). 




The presence of weapons or destructive devices, bomb or terrorist threats, or actions that constitute a clear threat to the safety of students or employees will not be tolerated.   Any student who violates this policy will be removed from the classroom or school environment for as long as is necessary to provide a safe and orderly environment for learning.


Students are prohibited from possessing, handling, using, or transmitting, whether concealed or open, any weapon or any instrument that reasonably looks like a weapon or could be used as a weapon.



(Board Policy: 4318)


Students are prohibited from using cell phones and other electronic devices on school property unless authorized by school personnel.  Toys should not be brought to school as they are often lost or damaged which causes additional disruptions to the learning process. 

The school will confiscate electronic devices or toys that distract students or cause disruptions at school.  The school will not be held responsible for personal items that are lost, traded, stolen, or damaged. 


Students in grades 1-5 will receive report cards each nine-week grading period. Progress reports are issued at the midpoint of each grading period. 


A well-balanced meal is served daily in the lunchroom.  Breakfast is also available each morning.  All students will receive free meals during the 2024-2025 school year. Lunch menus will be shared each month with our parent newsletter and Remind to help you and your child decide what they’d like to have for lunch.


Each classroom will have their own process regarding snacks. If a special snack is brought for everyone in the class (ex. birthday cupcakes), the items must be store bought as opposed to homemade.  Please bring those to the office and we will get those to your student’s class.  


Our Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) supports Bethel Elementary School. The PTO is a very active organization and all parents are encouraged to attend and participate in PTO activities. Please look for more information regarding the PTO and programs/events they offer in our parent newsletters and notes sent home.  


We encourage communication between parents and teachers.  Please call teachers before 7:50 a.m. or after 3:00 p.m. to avoid academic disruption.  Calls to teachers during the school day will be forwarded to teachers’ voice mail boxes.  Teachers will respond as soon as possible following student dismissal. Our teachers have the Remind text message communication system. This is a great tool but please do not send a message to a teacher during the day and expect an immediate response; they are teaching students and should not be constantly checking their phone. Transportation changes must be made via a phone call to the front office by 2:00 each day. Do not use Remind for transportation changes. 


All student possessions should be labeled with the student’s name. Students should not carry extra money.  Missing items should be reported to the teacher or the office.  Items found will be placed in the “Lost and Found” located inside the gym. Lost and found items will be discarded each 9-weeks, so if you are missing any items, please check the lost and found in a timely manner. If you would like to check the lost and found, please come by the office anytime from 7:30 am – 8:00 am.  


All students go to the library on a regular weekly basis. Kindergarten and first grade students will check out (1) book at a time.  Second through fifth graders will check out a maximum of two (2) books at a time. All books must be returned before additional books are checked out. Each child needs a special place at home to keep books. This can help avoid damage to books. Students will be charged for damaged and lost books. 


Music classes are offered to all elementary students. Students are responsible for any musical items issued to them.  Parents and students are financially responsible for lost or damaged items. 


All students participate in physical education. Sneakers and comfortable play clothes need to be worn.  Three or more days during one 9-week period without appropriate attire will result in an unsatisfactory grade. Students will be required to participate in PE unless a note from the doctor is provided.  


Field trips are provided for Bethel Elementary students to enhance and extend their educational experience.  The following field trip guidelines must be followed:

  1. The teacher is ultimately responsible for maintaining discipline and control of the group. 
  2. Chaperones are under the direction of the teacher. All final decisions are made by the teacher. 
  3. Students must remain with their class and teacher at all times. 
  4. Students will be asked to share the expenses of the trip. Students who are unable to pay will not be denied the opportunity to participate.  
  5. Only students and school personnel will be allowed to ride the bus.  Students are expected to ride the bus to and from the destination. If there are reasons why a student cannot ride the bus, the parent must speak with an administrator prior to the trip. 
  6. Parents may choose to check out their child prior to the bus trip home.  In this situation, parents must sign their child out with the classroom teacher.  


School insurance is available for school-day coverage and/or 24 hour coverage. We urge you to consider the purchase of school insurance.  If your child is injured at school, the school insurance could help cover medical bills.  



Medication administration requirements must be followed and parents/physicians must have completed the required medication forms.  All medicine must be kept in a designated area and will be administered and documented by a staff member. Parents must bring medicine to school; students are not allowed to carry it on the bus or into the school in their backpack.


A school nurse is available almost every afternoon from 12:00-3:30 and all day on Friday should you have any questions regarding your child’s health. Please feel free to call the school to contact her @ 646-3448.



The goal of the school counselor is to help your child have a happy and successful school year. Students are encouraged to visit the counselor’s office at any time that is agreeable with the classroom teacher.  Parents are encouraged to collaborate with the school counselor to discuss concerns that impact a child’s success in school.  Please call our school counselor, Lisa Davis,  to schedule an appointment. 



The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law that governs the maintenance of student records. Under the law, parents/guardians of students or students if they are at least 18 years of age have both the right to inspect records kept by the school about the student and the right to correct inaccuracies in the records. Access to the records by persons other than the parents/guardians of the student is limited and generally requires prior consent by the parents/guardians and 18-year-old students under FERPA. For more information please visit http://familypolicy.ed.gov/




As part of Haywood County Schools’ long-term maintenance program, pest control will be administered monthly on all buildings and grounds. Normally scheduled pest control administration will occur the first full week of each month. Occasionally, unscheduled dispensation of pest control is needed. Notice of non-scheduled pesticide use will be made 72 hours in advance, to the extent possible. All pest control methods used in Haywood County are approved by state and federal agencies to insure safety.


Upcoming Events

February 14, 2025
HCS - 12:30 Dismissal
March 19, 2025
HCS - 12:30 Dismissal
March 20, 2025
HCS - Remote Learning Optional Teacher Workday
April 11, 2025
HCS - 12:30 Dismissal
April 14, 2025
HCS - Annual Leave Day
April 15, 2025
HCS - Annual Leave Day
April 16, 2025
HCS - Holiday
April 17, 2025
HCS - Holiday
April 18, 2025
HCS - Holiday
May 26, 2025
HCS - Annual Leave Day
June 2, 2025
HCS - Last Student Day
June 3, 2025
HCS - Mandatory Teacher Workday
June 4, 2025
HCS - Optional Teacher Workday
June 5, 2025
HCS - Optional Teacher Workday
June 6, 2025
HCS - Optional Teacher Workday

Contact Us

  • Bethel Elementary School
  • Amanda Watson, Principal
  • 4700 Old River Rd., Canton, NC 28716
  • 828.646.3448