Today is the first day of spring and, despite the circumstances, it has been a gorgeous day!
I have enjoyed seeing your posts on social media about your kids doing their school/homework. Thank you so much for your willingness to help your child navigate the online classroom platforms we’re using with our upper grade students. The longer we’re out of school, the more we will all learn about the online “Google Classroom” platform. Teachers are very eager to hear how it’s going so please communicate with them using whatever tool they’ve offered (email, phone, Class Dojo, Remind, etc.)
Please remember that we’re serving food each day from 11-1 on the bus lot/cafeteria side of the building. A hot lunch and a bag of breakfast items for the next day is handed to each child OR anyone who pulls up and says, “I need ‘x’ number of lunches”…no questions asked. We served 262 lunches/breakfasts today.
As always, please remind your kids that we love them and can’t wait for them to be back here with us, but in the meantime we’re going to teach them and love them from a distance. Virtual hugs to all:)
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