Home / Music


  Hello, my name is Mrs. McHenry.

Welcome to


at Bethel Elementary!

       Students here at Bethel meet once a week for music class in a beautiful facility located at the very center of the building. We are also very fortunate to have a wonderful auditorium that is attached to the music room which allows for easy rehearsals for performances as well the opportunity to enjoy presentations from invited guests.


     Each week students are engaged in a variety of activities that follow the North Carolina Essential Standards for Music. The Essential Standards are presented in three areas known as strands: Music Literacy which includes the ability to sing and play instruments, read and notate music, and to improvise, compose and arrange music. Musical Response which includes such skills as listening to, describing and evaluating music. Contextual Relevancy which refers to the applying of musical knowledge in relation to history, culture, heritage and other content areas. Students of each grade level are also involved in a grade level musical performance each year and also have the opportunity in third fourth and fifth grade to be involved in a separate chorus program that meets weekly afterschool. We have a lot of creative and talented students and we love music here at Bethel!


Bethel Elementary Chorus

The Bethel Chorus consists of Third, Fourth and Fifth grade students who meet afterschool once a week for an hour rehearsal. The rehearsals begin in September and continue into December. During this time students rehearse a variety of music, work on vocal technique and most importantly prepare music for their annual Christmas Concert. Auditions are not required to be in this group but students must be dedicated and attend all rehearsals, participate in the concert and have a love for music.


Upcoming Events

August 13, 2024
HCS - Mandatory Teacher Workday
August 14, 2024
HCS - Mandatory Teacher Workday
August 15, 2024
HCS - Mandatory Staff Development Day
August 16, 2024
HCS - Optional Teacher Workday
August 19, 2024
HCS - First Student Day - 12:30 Dismissal
September 2, 2024
HCS - Holiday
October 14, 2024
HCS - Optional Teacher Workday
November 5, 2024
HCS - Optional Teacher Workday
November 11, 2024
HCS - Holiday
November 27, 2024
HCS - Annual Leave Day
November 28, 2024
HCS - Holiday
November 29, 2024
HCS - Holiday
December 23, 2024
HCS - Annual Leave Day
December 24, 2024
HCS - Annual Leave Day
December 25, 2024
HCS - Holiday

Contact Us

  • Bethel Elementary School
  • Amanda Watson, Principal
  • 4700 Old River Rd., Canton, NC 28716
  • 828.646.3448