Home / BES Slideshow / Parent Newsletter Info 9/6/2021



Morning car line information:Please remember that school begins at 7:50 am. Our folks who are on morning car line duty come in when the 7:50 am bell rings so if you get here between 7:50 and 8:00 am, there won’t be anyone there to open the vehicle door or assist with the backpack or anything like that. Your goal needs to be to get your student to school no later than 7:50 am. If you arrive after 8:00, you must ring the doorbell and walk them in and check them in through the office because they are officially tardy. Please do not just drop them off and drive away; there is nobody watching the front door or the front lobby after 8:00am so we will have no idea they are here unless you check them in.

Kindergarten parents:

Beginning tomorrow, Tuesday, September 7, all students (unless there are extenuating circumstances) need to walk in by themselves. We have plenty of people who will make sure they get to their classes safely.

No check outs after 2:30. If you or your child have an appointment at 3:00, please get here no later than 2:30 to check them out. When doing that, make sure you’re careful where you park so you don’t get blocked in by the cars in car line. This is not a convenience thing for us; it is a safety thing for the students. The phones in the office typically go crazy between 2:30 and 3:00 and we’re trying to make sure all transportation changes get communicated to the teachers so if we have several folks checking kids out then, we’re more prone to make a mistake with regard to safety and that is the last thing we want to do. We understand that emergency situations arise (sick younger child in the car, someone being rushed to the hospital, etc.), but a 3:00 doctor’s appointment is not an emergency. Thank you in advance for helping us keep your kids safe!

Afternoon car line information:

Thank you for your patience as we teach kindergarteners (and reteach older students) the best way to find their cars. Students have been instructed to get in the middle between the two rows of cars and walk the entire loop; that way they will walk by each vehicle fairly quickly. The K-1 students follow a teacher assistant as she leads them around the loop. You are encouraged to watch as they come your way and have your window down and let your child know you’re there because some of them get so caught up in the “train” that they forget they’re supposed to be looking for their car. Also, please practice them being able to buckle themselves into their car seats. Feel free to come to the parking in the evenings or on weekends to practice unbuckling and getting out on their own as well as getting in and buckling up on their own.

“Walk up” folks:

Please make sure you either have your child’s hand or that they’re on the inside of the sidewalk away from the traffic as you walk with them down to the lower parking lot. There is an awful lot of movement going on all at the same time and the last thing we need is for a student to fall off the sidewalk into the moving line of cars.


We are super excited to be able to have Steve the Science Guy back in person this year. He will be here this Friday, September 10, and will be presenting his awesome show to each grade level throughout the day in our auditorium. He comes to us and puts on his show for free but sells his “Cool Stuff for Kids” kits as his way to be paid for doing the presentation. However, he gives a percentage of the proceeds back to our school. You will be receiving a flyer explaining what he has for sale and the prices of each kit tomorrow afternoon (Tuesday, September 7) when your child comes home. Kit prices range from $2 to $25. You may send money in any day this week IN AN ENVELOPE WITH THE ORDER FORM. Steve will be fulfilling the orders on Friday while he is here so don’t expect what you order to come home until Friday afternoon.



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  • Bethel Elementary School
  • Amanda Watson, Principal
  • 4700 Old River Rd., Canton, NC 28716
  • 828.646.3448