Home / BES Slideshow / Parent Newsletter October 4, 2022
Parent Newsletter October 4, 2022
Book Fair
A book fair flyer is coming home with students this week.
Please note a few things…
1. The food truck is not just for BES families. Anyone who would like to come get supper from Fat Belly’s is welcome to come, so please share that info with your friends, neighbors, and family members.
2. Please limit the number of adults who come to eat breakfast to 2, otherwise we will quickly run out of doughnuts. Remember that there will be another book fair in the spring so you can have some adults come now and some come in the spring. Our students are so blessed to have so many loving adults in their lives. If possible, come on the day that corresponds with a student’s last name to even out our numbers on the two mornings but know that there won’t be anyone checking IDs at the door:)
3. If you have more than one kid at BES, pick one of the grade level times on Family Read Day. We will get your other kid(s) in different grade levels to come read with you. If you have one student, please make every effort to come during the time listed. Please give us some grace and don’t expect to be in a hurry because getting kids out of class (especially if it’s not during the specified time) takes a little longer because they may be in a special or lunch or at recess.
Thanks in advance for helping us have a great Fall Book Fair!
Spirit Week
In honor of the Pisgah/Tuscola game, we are having spirit week next week. Here is what each day’s theme will be:
Monday, 10/10: Hat Day
Tuesday, 10/11: Pajama Day
Wednesday, 10/12: Camo Day
Thursday, 10/13: Bethel Blue Day (we will be getting new Bethel t-shirts to folks who ordered those as soon as we receive them)
Friday, 10/14: Pisgah/Tuscola Day (Go Bears!!!)
Vision and Dental Screenings
All students grades K-5 will have vision screening done on Tuesday, 10/11. Kindergarten students will have dental screenings done on that day as well. If you have any questions about these screenings, please call and speak with our school nurse, Amber Golden.
Holiday Assistance
Please complete the following google form if you’d like to receive holiday assistance.
If you are unable to access this online form or need assistance filling out this online form then you can attend one of the following dates in person to sign up.
Educational Center in Clyde (Beside Central Haywood High)
- October 20th, 11am-6pm
- October 26th, 9am-2pm
- November 10th, 9am-2pm
- November 15th, 11am-6pm
If you have questions, would like to donate items, or adopt a student for the holidays, please contact Heather Cavner (school counselor) at 646-3448 or at hcavner@haywood.k12.nc.us
Fall Yearbook Sale
Yearbook sale flyers will be coming home soon. We will have a spring sale, too. If you order via paper and send payment to school, the deadline for the fall sale will be Friday, November 4. Yearbooks may be ordered online at any time at YBpay.com
Save the Date: Veterans’ Day Program
We are so excited that we will be able to have our Veterans’ Day program again this year. It will be on Thursday, 11/10, at 8:30 am. More details will be coming soon, but please go ahead and start inviting any veterans you’d like to invite to be a part of this very special event.
Upcoming Events
Quick Links
Contact Us
- Bethel Elementary School
- Amanda Watson, Principal
- 4700 Old River Rd., Canton, NC 28716