Backpack has been hung in the cubby, binder is out, student is sitting at their table or on the carpet ready to learn.
1st grade:
Breakfast is finished, have already been to bathroom if needed, unpacked bookbag, sitting in their seat, and started on morning work.
2nd grade:
Breakfast is finished, backpack has been unpacked, bathroom visits finished, student is at their seat with materials out and the individual teacher’s routine is being followed.
3rd grade:
Homework has been turned in, lunch choice has been made, student is in their seat and on task…not up playing around.
4th grade:
Student is in the classroom and unpacked, lunch choice has been made, morning work is out and the student is actively working on it.
5th grade:
Belongings have been placed in their cubby, lunch choice has been made, homework is ready to be checked, student is in their seat working on morning work.
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