Career Week
Share information about your career with your child’s class. We need three parents from each classroom. Contact Mrs. Davis, BES Guidance Counselor,
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Share information about your career with your child’s class. We need three parents from each classroom. Contact Mrs. Davis, BES Guidance Counselor,
We L💙VE Math-February Family Engagement Activities See the Schedule of each grade level’s events below: We are excited about our upcoming Math events for our...
Winter Weather is Here! With snow and cold, cold temps in the forecast, just a reminder that if school is on a delay, buses will...
Yearbook Sales Purchase and personalize yearbooks online The online order code is YB31293. If you go online to you can order a yearbook and get...
Take the family out to ice cream at Jack the Dipper and help support Bethel Elementary!
Wear your hat to school this Friday and help raise money! Also wear your new Bethel shirt you received last week!
Wednesday, November 20th Our Fall Picture Day has been rescheduled for November 20th. The link below will give you updates about picture day and your...
You are Loved💙 We love our Bethel families and are so sorry that so many of you are facing such difficult obstacles right now....
Many of our HCS Staff and Students will need assistance recovering from Hurricane Helene. All donations will go directly to HCS students and staff. For...
Please send in your Chocolate Money 9/17/24 It’s Fundraising time!! Email PTO with any questions you have: Chocolate sales have ended! Thank you for partnering...
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